The Master Program of Computer Science, Undiksha started in 2014 based on the Letter of the Director-General of the Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education No. 1058/E.E2/DT/2013 dated October, 2013. The decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 172/E/O/2014 dated June 10, 2014 regulates the Permit for the Implementation of the Master Program of Computer Science, Undiksha.

Vision :

To become an excellent study program in the field of Computer Science based on Tri Hita Karana in Asia in 2045.


  1. Organizing dignified education and teaching to produce competitive, collaborative, and characterized human resources in the field of Computer Science.
  2. Organizing competitive, collaborative, and characterized research for the development and implementation of science and technology in the field of Computer Science.
  3. Organizing competitive, collaborative, accommodative, and innovative community service in the field of Computer Science.


  1. Graduates who are able to continue their higher education at Universities with national and international reputation in the field of Computer Science and other relevant fields.
  2. Graduates who are able to develop themselves as professionals or lecturers/researchers who are a source of reference in the field of Computer Science and other relevant fields.
  3. Graduates who are able to develop their potential in the field of Computer Science and other relevant fields, also skilled in solving complex problems.

Graduate Profile

Professional and Lecturer/Researcher in area of Computer Science.