The Doctoral Programme in Language Education was established on October 9, 2013, with Decree No. 1058/E.E2/DT/2013. It obtained B accreditation based on the decision of BAN-PT or Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) No. 0488/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/I/2017 on October 23, 2018. This accreditation is valid until October 23, 2023. The degree held by graduates of the Doctoral Programme in Language Education is Doctor (Dr). This study programme accepts students with educational backgrounds from language education programmes, Indonesian, Balinese, English, and other language education programmes.

The profile of graduates from the Doctoral Programme in Language Education is to become professional educators: teachers, lecturers, researchers, trainers, and consultants in language education. Graduates of the Doctoral Programme in Language Education have contributed to improving the quality of learning through the professional application of theories and learning models to solve various problems for the benefit of society and the scientific development of language education.