The socialization of the Master Programme in Instructional Technology was done by utilizing an online platform on Thursday (23/07/2020). The event, which was held through the zoom application, was opened by the Director of Postgraduate Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Suharta, M.Si accompanied by the Coordinator of the Instructional Technology Study Programme, Dr. Ni Nyoman Parwati, M.Pd who was also a resource person in the Socialization of Postgraduate Instructional Technology Undiksha. This event also presented a resource person, Mr. Made Agus Suryadarma Prihantana, S.Pd., M.Pd., the first expert Widyaiswara (trainer) candidate for the Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency.
This socialization brought up the topic of new student admissions by using the right technology in learning, adapting to rapid changes, and preparing us to be independent, adaptive, and collaborative.