One of the collaborative activities organized by Management Science Study Program is guest lecture by inviting academia from other universities either local, national, or international and industrial people. This activity helps students to broaden their knowledge, understanding, and insight toward the given topics. At the same time, guest lecture activities provide rooms for building and strengthening collaborations and relationships
Guest Lecture activity for Global Marketing Course was held on 5 May 2021. The speaker was Gede Gunawan, the Senior Country Director of Agoda International who gave lecture on “Selecting Effective Marketing Channel”. He shared his experience and knowledge particularly with regard to managing global market that is based on digital. The key points included:
- The company strategies in maintaining long terms relationship with customer (Customer Relationship Management)
- The strategies for selecting an effective and effisien marketing and promotional distribution channel
- The company strategies to compete and win in global market
The activity was attended by all students and was held successfully. All students were satisfied with the guest lecture and the speaker expressed his high appreciation to the course convenor who had initiated the collaboration with industry from which students can learn from the industrial perspective about the topic being delivered. This type of collaboration between industry and campus is also important to sustain the program.