Undiksha Postgraduate Leaders held a meeting with all new doctoral students for the 2019/2020 academic year Denpasar class. In the meeting, the postgraduate Director, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Suharta, M.Si, emphasized that according to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 59 of 2018 in the diploma certificate, transcript, and diploma supplement listed is the name of the Study Programme. Currently, the existing concentrations are being pushed into study programmes. Also, in completing the doctoral programme, students before the public examination must have publications in reputable journals at least Q3. To facilitate the needs of postgraduate students, they have formed a Scientific Journal Division, which is specifically tasked with promoting and validating journals needed by students and developing journals managed by all study programs in the Postgraduate environment. Vice Director I Prof. Dr. Nyoman Kanca MS explained the educational process for the doctoral programme at the Undiksha Postgraduate Programme, Vice Director II, Prof. Dr. IB Putrayasa, M.Pd explained the funding, and the Coordinator of the Education Science study programme, Prof. Dr. Made Candiasa M.Kom, and the Coordinator of the Language Education Study Programme Prof. Dr. Wayan Rasna, M.Pd explained about the lecture process.
In this meeting, the Rector of Undiksha, Prof.Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd, gave direction, motivation, and support to Doctoral programme students to promote togetherness in the educational process, and the Rector hoped that all students could get a doctorate degree within three years. The meeting took place in the hall of the Pegok campus in Denpasar Friday (04/10/2019)