- Postgraduate consists of Director and Vice Director, Study Programme, and Administration Subdivision.
- The Postgraduate Director is assisted by two Vice Directors, namely:
a. Vice Director for Academic and Student Affairs; and
b. Vice Director for General Affairs, Finance, and Cooperation. - The Vice Director for Academic and Student Affairs (Wadir I) has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of education, research, community service, student and alumni services, and planning affairs in the Postgraduate environment.
- The Vice Director for General Affairs, Finance, and Cooperation (Wadir II) has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of activities in the fields of finance, personnel, general affairs, information systems, management of state property, and cooperation in the Postgraduate environment.
- The Study Programme is a unit of educational and learning activities that has a specific curriculum and learning method in one type of academic education.
- Subsection Administration has the task of carrying out planning, finance, academic, student affairs, alumni, staffing, administration, housekeeping, cooperation, information systems, and management of state property in the Postgraduate environment.
- To carry out the mission and achieve the vision of the Postgraduate Programme, three parts were developed or formed, namely as follows.
a. The Academic and Student Affairs Section (Bagian Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan or BAK) has the task of carrying out educational services, research, community service, student and alumni services and planning affairs in the Postgraduate environment.
b. The General, Finance and Cooperation Section (Bagian Umum, Keuangan, dan Kerja Sama or BUKK) has the task of providing services for carrying out activities in finance, personnel, general affairs, information systems, management of state property, public relations, promotions, and cooperation within the Postgraduate.
c. The Quality Assurance and Scientific Journal Section (Bagian Penjaminan Mutu dan Jurnal Ilmiah or BPMJI) facilitates study programmes in preparing and implementing accreditation, Internal Quality Audits (Audit Mutu Internal or AMI), coordinating journal management, and facilitating students in scientific publications.
Undiksha's Postgraduate management structure can be described as follows.