In 2021, the Doctoral Program in Education Sciences carried out international seminar activities involving the Association of Education Doctoral Study Programs (PPSDP). The Ganesha University (Undiksha) Singaraja Educational Science Study Program held an international seminar entitled “Strengthening Education Leadership, Communication, Creative Thinking, and Technology Literacy in the Digital Era”, Monday (27/9/2021). The seminar, in collaboration with the Association for Doctoral Education Study Programs, presented a number of speakers from abroad, such as the AIA-GESS International Gymnasium Program Manager, Tbilisi, Gorgia, Tamar Lolishvili; Professor and Head (Research) Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School Pune, Maharashtra, India; Atul Kumar, Philippine Stewards for Humanity and Excellence Inc. There are also David D. Perroid from Mahidol University, Thailand, Xenia Konstantinopoulou, who is the Co-Founder & Co-Owner of My Way, Thessaloniki, Greece, and Banthita Intamano from Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. The seminar, which took place online (within the network) and offline (outside the network), was attended by hundreds of participants from various universities in Indonesia, including Undiksha. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Cooperation Undiksha, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.T.I., who represented the Undiksha Chancellor, opened the event.