The activity “Socializing the Values ??of Tri Hita Karana to Students at Mts Nurul Jadid Pemuteran, Singaraja, Bali” is a form of UNDIKSHA’s tridharma of higher education, namely community service, which this time was held at Mts Nurul Jadid Pemuteran, Bali on October 23, 2021. The organizers In this activity, the lecturer of the Master of Education Administration Study Program, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Natajaya, M.Pd, as chairman, Dr. I Gusti Ketut Arya Sunu, M.Pd, and Dr. I Putu Wisna Ariawan, M.Si, as members and 3rd semester Education Administration students, namely Luh Hendra Kusuma Dewi, Nur Kholifatur RMS, and Nurul April Yani.
Based on the results of initial observations in the field, the PKM team found several problems in students’ understanding of Tri Hita Karana at MTs Nurul Jadid, including: (1) MTs Nurul Jadid is a religion-based school, so many students think that Tri Hita Karana is a Hindu teaching, whereas Tri Hita Karana is a social concept that can be applied anywhere and does not look at differences in ethnicity, race, and religion. (2) Currently, with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, everything can be obtained easily. All information can also be obtained easily. Children can find everything with their cellphones. They also sometimes imitate things that are not appropriate because they see what is in the video, so that children indirectly make children’s characters become bad. Many things actually affect character at this time, so we need to instill the value of character education, one of which is the values ??of Tri Hita Karana, in children so that they become the next generation who have good behavior.
This program is an assignment program from the Undiksha Postgraduate Program in order to increase knowledge and insight about the values ??of Tri Hita Karana. The model for implementing this activity is carried out directly and also online, as is the case with a learning system carried out in schools or universities. For the purpose of achieving the objectives of this program, the designs deemed appropriate to be developed are “Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA).” This program is designed as a form of response and anticipation to various problems related to the values ??of Tri Hita Karana.
Tri Hita Karana means three causes of well-being and happiness that come from a balanced and harmonious relationship between: (1) man and God (parhyangan); (2) humans with each other (pawongan); and (3) humans and their natural environment (palemahan). Harmonious means doing things that contain goodness and holiness that starts from the mind, is spoken in words, and is seen in actions/deeds. The Tri Hita Karana concept contains local theological, sociological, and ecological wisdom (Atmaja, 2019). These three wisdoms will lead to theological harmony, sociological harmony, and ecological harmony.
The form of behavior that reflects Tri Hita Karana: (1) man and God (parhyangan); for example, students start the KBM by praying together, having religious extracurricular activities, and holding activities to commemorate big days (holidays); (2) humans with each other (pawongan), for example: group work, helping teachers, being a good example for students, for example, never being late for school, wearing neat clothes, being polite, not taking the rights of others, respecting others; (3) humans and their natural environment (palemahan), for example, throwing garbage in its place, studying outside the classroom (outdoor study), examples of scientific approaches, with students studying outside the classroom, students are easier to observe directly, Conducting activities outside the classroom, for example, planting trees, class pickets, not destroying school facilities and infrastructure, holding class cleaning competitions, turning off fans, air conditioners, lights, and LCDs after class ends.