Singaraja- The Master’s and Doctoral Study Program in English Language Education, Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) Postgraduate Program again held a guest lecture, on Thursday (6/7/2023). This guest lecture which took place online raised the topic of functional grammar and the Implications for English Language Learning.
This lecture invited speakers from Medan State University (Unimed), Prof. Amrin Saragih. M.A., Ph.D. He is a lecturer and researcher in the field of Applied Linguistics in English.
In this lecture, Prof. Amrin Saragih not only provides a comparison between functional grammar and formal grammar but also provides various examples of the use of functional grammar in life in society, for example in various mass media and social media. Functional grammar places more emphasis on function, while formal grammar focuses more on grammatical form or structure and the relationship between one word and another word without paying attention to the meaning and use of meaning in a different context. Furthermore, he emphasized that through language, we as language teachers have the power to make changes so that we use language according to meaning and context, not just forms that comply with linguistic rules.
This guest lecture was opened by Deputy Director 1 of the Postgraduate Program at Ganesha Education University, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putrayasa, M.Pd. On this occasion, he said that functional grammar is very important for language students to understand, especially foreign language students. (S3ELE)